It was a year ago that we introduced the A610 and A620 to the dental market and now Canon has updated them with some nice improvements. The body style is esentially the same, but the new A630 and A640 benefit from a larger LCD screen (2.5" vs. 1.8") and the cameras get a resolution bump. The A630 is an 8 megapixel camera and the A640 is a 10 megapixel camera.
Canon also moved the memory card slot from the side of the camera to inside the battery door. To make it easier to remove the memory card and batteries, we have redesigned our closeup attachment kit so that there is
no longer anything that mounts under the camera. The new attachment now attaches directly to the lens mount and still allows fast and easy removal for portrait views and recreational use. More... |
Oralume LED Lighted Mirror and Transillumination System
Oralume is the new way to have effective diagnostic lighting at your
fingertips – anytime, anywhere. For a quick patient exam, or a hygiene procedure, the Oralume LED Lighted Mirror and Transillumination System brings a newfound freedom and ease to oral diagnostics.
When photographing small fields, the Oralume's LED illumination makes
focusing a snap.
PhotoMed International
14141 Covello Street #7C
Van Nuys, CA 91405
FAX 818-908-5370
photomed@earthlink.net |


Canon surprised everyone with the announcement of a new G-Series digital camera. We have had great success with our Canon G cameras and it appeared that the G6 was going to be the last one. Canon has offically announced the G7 and it looks like it will be a very nice camera. The new
G7 will be a 10 megapixel camera outfited with a 6x optical zoom lens
(35-210mm equiv.). When combined with our closeup attachment kit, this lens should allow you to photograph an area approimately 3/4" wide.
We have the camera in house and have been working with it. It looks like
it will work very nicely. We hope to have the G7 available in the next month or two. If you would like more info, email or call (800-998-7765) and we will
add you to the list to contact when it
is available.
You can also check out the Canon G7 web page for more information. |
Canon recently released the successor to the Rebel XT - the new
10 megapixel Rebel XTi. We are closing out the remaining Rebel XT cameras with the following promotion: with the purchase of a complete Rebel XT system (with Canon macro lens and flash or Sigma macro lens and flash), you will receive a Canon CP-400 printer, an extra 512MB memory card, an extra lithium-ion rechargeable battery, and occlusal mirror, a buccal mirror and a pair of retractors - a $333 value included FREE.
This promotion is first come, first served. This promotion will end when our current inventory of Rebel XT bodies runs out. |
Visit PhotoMed at the Greater New York Dental Meeting
We'll be in booth #303 at the Greater NY Dental Meeting, Nov. 26-29.
Stop by and take a look at all of the
new cameras and ask about our GNYDM specials. |
Plan to visit PhotoMed at the
following dental meetings:
November 2006:
ACP, Miami, FL
GNYDM, New York, NY
December 2006:
AAOMS-Implant, Chicago, IL
January 2007 :
SW Dental, Dallas, TX
Rocky Mtn. Dental, Denver, CO
Yankee Dental, Boston, MA |