The last week in December is usually very busy as many offices make their end-of-year purchases. If you would like to purchase a camera for this years tax purposes, please call us early in the week so we can process and ship your camera this year. We will be open Tuesday through Thursday, 8am to 4pm and Friday from 8am to 1pm.

We've got lots of new products coming next year. These are just a few of the products we will focus on in January's newsletter.
Canon PowerShot G7
- the next in the popular Canon
G-Series cameras.
Nikon D40 SLR
- the newest Nikon SLR
VELscope Photography Kit
- a package (adapter and software) to allow easy, high quality images through the VELscope
PhotoMed International
14141 Covello Street #7C
Van Nuys, CA 91405
FAX 818-908-5370
photomed@earthlink.net |